Every week, thousands of you visit our blog, facebook page and website at stemcellresearchfacts.org, looking for hope. Often times, you’re desperately seeking an answer to a medical condition. Sometimes, you just want to share a story or experience.

We are touched and inspired by all the emails we receive and we try to respond to each one. Here’s a sample of some of the emails we’ve received over the past few weeks:

Name: Isabelle – Honolulu|Hawaii
Comments: I live in Honolulu, Hawaii and was diagnosed in 2004 with scleroderma, by a clinic in Idaho, since I couldn’t find out what was wrong with me. I had an internist, a rheumotologist, a pulmonologist, a skin specialist, a rare disease specialist, but had to go out of state to get a diagnosis. Since then, I’ve been very frustrated and just stopped going to see the doctors, even though my lungs have gotten much worse. After praying very hard about it, I started to do some research on the internet and I came across your website. I’m almost afraid you will say nothing can be done. I hope I can get some info. I am otherwise very healthy and before I got the scleroderma, I never got sick. Please help.

Name: Judy – Waynesville|NC
Comments: I am a 51 year old female with Rheumatoid Arthritis. It has crippled my hands and is working on my feet. I have two teenagers at home, ages 18 and 14. I am divorced and receive little help from their father. My daughter is graduating in June and is going to be working part-time as she needs further education to get a self sufficient job.  I work everyday that I can in order to maintain a home for us. Some days are unbearable with the pain that I suffer. I was wondering if their are any clinical trials close to my location that may be interested in using me in their trial? I would like to thank you in advance for any assistance or information that you may give me.

Name: Valerie – Huron Township|MI
Comments: Hello, I have Multiple Sclerosis and am very interested in the Adult Stem Cell treatment.  I have Relapsing Remitting MS and have had it since 1997.  I walk with a limp due to Drop Foot on the left side, and I take multiple medications.

Can you please provide me with some information (i.e., cost, where this can be done, how to get started, etc)?

Thank you!
Name: Jaclyn – phoenix|az
Comments: hi, i suffered a stroke after the birth of my daughter a year ago. my leftside is still dead. i continue to hear theres nothing i can do.most likely ill never have both arms again or be able to walk or run normal again. im 35 and want to try anything possible before i just except that.how can i get envolved with any studys or trails or just getting stemcell therapy? i dont know if insurance covers this if not how much would it cost to try?  please let me know

Dear SCRF,
I can’t tell you how much admiration I have for your dedication in the work
you are doing.  Some are motivated by fame and some for wealth.  I assume
your dedication is primarily to make a contribution to knowledge.
Thanks again for your genius and dedication.


Name: Anonymous – Rockford|Michigan
Comments: Hello,
I just learned about your organization today from a friend, who’s brother is going through treatment.  I was mainly just interested in new treatments and wondering what was going on with him.
When I learned that his condition was CIDP, I was intrigued.  I was originally diagnosed with ALS, back in 2005, which was changed to PLS a year later, and this past summer, was re-diagnosed with MS (another demyelinating disease)
I am anxiously waiting to hear the results of my friend’s brother’s treatment.  I have been through so many expensive treatment options over the past 7 years, I am very skeptical of anything else at this point.  But reading through your information here, I am intrigued and figured I would reach out and connect.

Name: Gladys / Mottingham|London|England
Comments: I would like to know if stem cell treatment would cure my son who is 17 years old ,   was born prematurely at 27 weeks, became brain damaged as a result and now has celebral palsy, autism and displesia. He has speech and language difficulties, poor social skills and is not independent.

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